About Laurie

Freelance writer & perpetual wanderer

I’ve never stayed in one place too long. Moving often throughout my life, I learned to embrace change and new adventures and developed a fascination with discovering unfamiliar places and understanding cultural nuances. From north to south, urban to rural, I began to observe the differences in lingo, fashion, traditions and ways of life–even just within the same country.

I left the U.S. for the first time in high school and saw this idea play out on a broader scale. It sparked something in me that would later lead to studying abroad in Italy and wandering extensively around Europe. I enjoy seeing landmarks and have been awed by the beauty of the Blue Mosque, rendered speechless standing on top of the Eiffel Tower and moved to tears visiting One World Trade Center.

But it’s the experiences that have enriched my life the most. Jumping off a 14th century bridge in a tiny village in Lake Como that Leonardo DaVinci once painted. Running full speed off a mountainside in the Swiss Alps with an Australian paragliding instructor strapped to my back. Petting the rescue dogs that led me on an invigorating dogsledding adventure across the Utah mountains. Hiking a glacier in Norway with an Indian man who had traveled to more than 100 countries and was squeezing in the hike between flights because he wanted to “do it all.”

The people, the experiences, the education –that’s why I love to travel. Luckily I also love to write. So that’s what I do. I am determined to pass my love of exploration along to my children and to teach them the difference between visiting someplace and truly experiencing it.

“Not all who wander are lost” – J. R. R. Tolkien